Monday, July 13, 2020

London Dominatrix Covid-19 procedure

While the following might sound a dry read, it is only so that we can revel in good clean fun. 

From July 14th I will be meeting an extremely limited amount of gents per week, and whomever pops the cork on this is going to have a hell of a job keeping up. Priority will be given to those who have visited before and those who can drive to me. I have an underlying health condition which would spell bad news if I were to catch this, so I choose to view your following the below procedures as a mark our respect to each other. Even health professionals will say that nothing is 100% effective (other than abstinence, and I'm certainly not one for that!). I have on a regular basis throughout the years been taught aseptic touch technique by medical professionals.

All funds to be made by bank transfer in advance, as I don't want to handle cash. If either of us need to cancel for any reason, this can be used for a future date.

You will confirm that you have not within the past two weeks:
- had any C-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of taste or smell, diarrhoea, delirium, nausea)
- been within two meters of anyone experiencing the above symptoms
- visited any bars or restaurants nor been within large crowds
- rarely use public transport (I have free parking outside my door after 6.30pm weekdays, after 1pm on Saturdays and all day Sundays)

The following activities and toys are not on the cards for the time being:
- aromas
- double dom, double sub etc
- gags (disposable vet wrap is an excellent alternative)
- masks and hoods (if you want the feeling of head encasement, we can use vet wrap)
- oral strap on
- smoking
- spitting
- watersports
- water boarding

Procedure when you arrive:
- you will use the sanitiser provided on your hands
- I will give you a mask if you don't have your own, and you will wear it for the entire session
- I will give you a container to put your clothes and bags into and it will be left in the hallway
- go and shower, wash your hands with the Hibiscrub provided, use sanitiser again and put on the gloves provided
- meet me in the dungeon and let the games begin

What I'm personally doing:
I use the end of a screen pen for touch screens and card readers in shops which is then put back in its long case. I don't touch traffic lights, handrails and have not been on public transport since early March. I live alone and go outside (wearing a mask) a grand total of once per week. I won't be renting out my dungeon for the time being.

How Do I Clean?:
Virkon is an antivirus, antifungal, antibacterial broad spectrum disinfectant which is used in hospitals, farms, stables - you get the picture. I use it to clean door handles, furniture, light switches, floors, taps, the sink, bath, shower curtain/hose/head and toilet. Drinking glasses will be thoroughly scrubbed with boiling water shortly before you arrive. I will give you a straw so you don't have to remove your mask entirely to take a drink.

And finally:
The cost of PPE and associated medical and hygiene supplies that I regularly buy anyway have skyrocketed, and yet my tribute has not gone up. Keep this in mind and be respectful of me and my time.